Wednesday, August 27, 2014

For Life investors

It has come to my attention that there is a tendency in tax forgiven entities to mask their financial shenanigans from supporting members; particularly those operations with a large balance sheet. There are too many for the IRS to adequately monitor, so there is a lot of "getting away with it" internalized by officers and staff. Those who invest in any enterprise should be able to monitor the money, and have a say in how it's used.
One source of continued support is "Life Memberships," a bank from which companies sustain their long term survival through investment interest returns. If any coterie of contributors should be able to monitor what happens with operations, it should be those individuals.
Au contraire, it is generally those members who fail to keep up with "what's goin' on."
If a reader here is such, I recommend immediate investigation of your investment's actions.
Do whistles need to sound alarms? Is it possible things may not be as One would expect?
Get wise. "Let the light shine in ... ."